All you need to know about WIND POWER PLANT

LGM is India’s leading renewable energy solutions provider offering a 360-degree total solutions package to its customers that covers the entire spectrum of wind energy projects. For more than two decades, our turnkey solutions and lifetime support combined with the best-in-class products have created value for our customers throughout the globe.

Wind represents a clean, entirely renewable and potentially unending source of energy. It is one of the fastest growing sources of power generation in India today.

Wind farms release negligible amount of carbon dioxide. Power generated from wind turbines augment energy that is otherwise generated using carbon intensive technologies, and therefore help reduce carbon emissions from India’s power generation sector.

Onshore wind power

Onshore wind energy for a cleaner planet

Today, the critical need for sustainable sources of energy has become a pressing global issue. Over the last few decades, onshore wind power has emerged as the favored solution, and has developed into one of the most valued sources of renewable energy worldwide. As high demand continues, considerable technological advances have been made. As a result, onshore wind has become one of the most competitive and cost-effective renewable energy sources

Offshore wind power

Strong future for offshore wind power in global energy mix

The demand for global electricity is projected to keep increasing. In the worldwide quest for more renewable energy sources, the rapid development of offshore wind power acknowledges it as the future of the sector. The exponential rise of offshore wind energy can be attributed to a number of factors – including abundance of space and greater, consistent wind resources, which result in an energy output up to 40% higher than onshore.

Service supports your business model.

  • Maintenance

    Maximize your wind farm revenue through efficient maintenance and repair solutions

  • Logistic

    Mitigate your financial and business risk through our performance and component warranties

  • Upgrades

    Increase the energy production and thus the ROI of your wind farm through our performance upgrades and lifetime extensions

  • Protection

    Ensure accessibility to your offshore wind farm through our innovative offshore logistics

  • Know-How

    Maximize your capabilities to self-perform operations and maintenance through our knowledge transfer options

  • Diagnostics

    By combining intelligent analytics with unique domain knowledge we maximize your insight and enable a fully optimized maintenance strategy