Utilities, municipalities, and industries - Don’t miss this exclusive webinar series - The Energy Transition: Gearing Up for Smarter Utility and Industrial Power Grids.

Produced in partnership with Transmission & Distribution World, this webinar series explores future scenarios on the journey to carbon neutrality, utility experience with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation, and the role of the Internet of Things (IoT) in creating an adaptable, secure and resilient grid.

Energy intelligence for a changing, more adaptable grid

Smart grids use digital technologies and IOT solutions to intelligently respond and adapt to changes in the grid. Infusing energy intelligence is the key to leverage the data in the grid that allows to make grid operation reliable, cost-efficient, flexible, and safe.

Our lives and the way we do business depends on sustainable energy supply. Yet, decarbonization, decentralization and digitalization lead to a radical transformation of the energy landscape. Increasing integration of power from renewable sources, often decentral with multidirectional energy flows, poses challenges to power grids. Despite all these changes, participants of the energy system still need to maintain grid stability, ensure power quality, enable sector coupling, deal with aging assets, and reduce costs.

Bringing energy intelligence to the grid not only helps to master these challenges, but also generates new opportunities to increase asset and cybersecurity, efficiently balance generation and demand, and create new revenue streams. This includes the grid edge, from where the transition towards a decentralized, distributed, and decarbonized grid starts.